Santa Barbara


Collaboration with Hiltachk Marketing Group

Project Overview

Santa Barbara Airport has new airlines joining their fleet, and they are ready to share the news.

Hiltachk Marketing Group developed an advertising strategy to promote their client, Santa Barbara Airport’s, new airline partnerships. I was excited Hiltachk trusted me to help implement the design for the campaign on digital and transit ads, signage, and social media platforms.

Digital Ads

Alaska Airlines joined the SBA fleet! This meets more seats and more none stop flights to seattle. To get the news out about this new exciting addition to to SBA, we designed a few ads that nurtured the essence of both brands and spoke to this positive message.

Transit Ads

What faster way to get your message out, than have it drive all over the city? The Hiltachk copy and marketing team trusted us to design a series of transit ads that worked around the windows of a local transit bus.

Wrap Up

We loved working with the talented Hiltachk team. Their dedication to their travel clients is evident, and we were happy to take part in implementing the SBA brand.




Ginger Taylor