Mud Puppy

Brand Application Rollout

Partnership with R. Michael Strategies


Mud Puppy makes mud recycling units for drillers. Mud is filtered and purified when it goes through a mudpuppy unit, and all access pieces of access rock and sand are removed. Mud Puppy wanted to further reach their driller audience and improve the user’s branded experience.

R. Michael Strategies developed an advertising and content strategy to improve the presence of their client, Mud Puppy. I was thrilled R.M.S. decided to work with me on the art direction and design portion of the project. Mud Puppy had the logo - they had the color palette - and it was time to put it to work.


MudPuppy’s new website offers a flexible space to showcase and add new products, display demos, and inform driller’s about all the ways they can have the best mud recycling.

Catalog and Infographics

With many units to choose from, and hundreds of replaceable pieces, the catalog shows all of the latest recyclers and parts, and displays infographics that make the info easy to digest.

Ad Campaign

To further reach their niche audience, Mud Puppy ads were created for specialty driller magazines, tradeshow catalogs, and websites.

Wrap Up

Working with R.M.S. and Mud Puppy is a joy. We’ve enjoyed growing the brand thus far, and hope to continue helping them reach their audience expansion goals.

Visit Mud Puppy to learn more


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